Friday, July 18, 2014

Our 3D printer is back!

 Makerbot sent us a brand-new  Makerbot Replicator Fifth Gen printer to replace the one that went missing in transit. Here are some pictures of Bill, our IT guru, doing some initial test prints.
 We've got to get the UCPL staff trained, and then we hope to have it out in the public area soon.

Our new iMacs are up and running!

We've got these beautiful computers with giant 27" screens.

As part of our MOREnet Public Library Transformation grant project, they've both got Final Cut Pro installed and are perfect for editing video.
They're also great for surfing the web.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


 The University City High School Robolions stopped by the Library  to show off their competition robots and give a talk about the joys and frustrations (but mostly joys) of robotics.

We hope to have members of the Robolions come in and help us with workshops on working with Lego Mindstorm robots this Fall.
 Thank you very much to all the kids and adults who made this program such a success at the University City Library. There were a lot of young audience members, and they all had a good time!

3D-Printer Woes (continued)

UPS picked up our Makerbot 5th Gen 3D printer today to ship it back to New York. Only this wasn't really ours. Makerbot notified us that they had shipped back the freshly fixed machine, but when we opened the box, instead of the UCPL printer with a repaired gantry, we found someone else's printer. We're shipping the "someone else's printer" and Makerbot has promised us a brand new machine soon (our original machine is somewhere in the wind). Here's hoping we're 3D printing out in the Library before August!